Patient Statements: Telling a Story to Collect More in Less Time

Attend an HFMA Webinar to Learn More

If anyone attempted to recount a story to you but forgot some of the most important details, mixed-up the sequence of events, or rushed too quickly to the end, you likely left scratching your head wondering exactly what happened.

In health care, patient statements should also be considered a storytelling medium with an introduction (information about the care that was provided), the plot (insurance claims that were submitted), and the finale (the total amount due). Similar to a story, patient statements must follow a logical order and use detail to guide and educate the reader. Patients confused about their financial responsibilities are more likely to pick up the phone to call your billing department instead of picking up their pen to write a check for payment.

In this session, Ochsner Health System will share strategies that providers can use to design clear and concise PATIENT FRIENDLY BILLING® statements to drive more timely and accurate patient payments.

Register now to attend an HFMA Webinar August 8th 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. CST to hear more about this topic!

Lisa A. Glorioso
Director Medicaid Eligibility
Administrative Services
Ochsner Health System

Trish Darcy
Product Manager, Patient Billing & Payment Solutions

After This Webinar You Will Be Able to:
• Identify the ten most common patient statement design mistakes
• Use patient statement design guidelines to accelerate patient receivables cash flow for your organization

Tools and Takeaways:
• Actionable strategies for developing a patient-centric statement series

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