Would you consider the capability to get paid faster and more completely while also reducing manual processes and the need for full-time staff to be a big deal? Of course you would. The evolving healthcare landscape demands that providers of all sizes find solutions to not only collect more revenue, but be more efficient in doing so. Any alternative that results in greater reimbursement and staff efficiencies is, simply put, a big deal.
That’s where Emdeon Payment Automation comes in. Providers nationwide are reaping the revenue from automated solutions for processing paper Remittance Advice (RA) and Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) for one streamlined workflow. We’re empowering providers to eliminate burdensome, manual processes related to paper with automation to post commercial insurance payments promptly and accurately.
Rather than just tell you of Emdeon Payment Automation’s powerful impact from our vantage point, we’d prefer to show you its benefits through a recently-released case study featuring a prominent medium-sized organization’s surprisingly simple and quick journey to big time benefits.
Download this compelling case-in-point to discover:
- the shortcomings of a bank’s EOB processing system and lockbox services
- how long it took and how many people were needed to post payments and correct Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) errors for this provider organization
- the many, measurable ways Emdeon Payment Automation improved the situation
- an executive’s firsthand account of Emdeon’s implementation process and support
- how long it took for the provider organization to break even on its investment in Emdeon’s solution
While this Emdeon Customer Success Story is a relevant read for any organization seeking a practical, simple-to-implement payment automation solution, it’s particularly fitting for providers that are:
- still using an inordinately large dedicated staff to handle manual commercial payer payment processes
- currently tied to a bank for payment process and lockbox support
- struggling with posting errors and subsequent revisiting of items posted
- in need of higher first-pass yield, reduction of denials and all-around better data accuracy
- looking for a simple-to-integrate, automated solution that will enhance efficiencies and bring big deal results
With Emdeon, achieving those big deal results can be a relatively small feat. We cover all the details to get you up and running with automated payment solutions promptly and offer integration to make workflows as seamless as possible.
Click here to download the case study and learn more!