Are You the 43%?

There’s much mention of percentages in today’s headlines: “the 1%,” “the 99%” and so on. For those of us in the healthcare industry, let’s hope we’re part of “the 43%.”

According to the U.S. Healthcare Efficiency Index© (USHEI), business efficiency in healthcare stands at 43% based on the most recently collected data. That means 57% of the industry has not transitioned from a paper-based system to an electronic one leaving nearly $30 billion in annual savings unrealized. If you’re part of the 43%, you’re on the leading edge of technology and smart solutions, managing your organization’s business with simplified, standard-setting efficiency that’s not reliant on costly paper processes.

Since 2009, USHEI has been shining a spotlight on the need for greater efficiencies for the business of healthcare. Established under the purview of Emdeon, USHEI is a national, non-affiliated, industry wide measuring tool guided by a team of respected advisors from relevant disciplines. The Index calculates data on electronic-versus-paper transactions for claims, eligibility, payments and remittance to determine percentage of electronic transactions and potential annual savings. Additionally, environmental impact is assessed. USHEI Phase 1 findings revealed the aforementioned 43% efficiencies and pointed to areas for future improvement.

It was recently announced that ownership of the Index is transferring from Emdeon to the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH), heralding the initial steps of Phase 2 for this increasingly important industry reference. As Emdeon’s Senior VP of Clinical Services, Miriam Paramore stated, the CAQH is a “perfect strategic home for the USHEI” for the long term. CAQH plans to add aggregated outcomes data from other CAQH sponsored initiatives, including the Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE), to offer a more comprehensive analysis of the progress.

What does this all mean to you?

As provider organizations like yours face new transaction standards and operating rules contained in the healthcare reform law, you can turn to USHEI for helpful information, inspiration and affirmation. Track USHEI regularly for:
- insights into simplification solutions that are proven effective based on quantifiable results
- supporting data to guide your staff and patients’ comfort levels and acceptance of the electronic transition
- useful stats regarding industry-wide savings that can be used in context to support your organization-specific data
- compelling information regarding the environmental impact of paper-based transactions and the green benefits of going electronic
- ongoing awareness of key issues in the business of healthcare
- a reliable measuring stick to gauge your organization’s progress
- source material for your own internal communications and external Public Relations as you introduce more sweeping electronic solutions for your organization

Learn more about USHEI online at There you’ll find details on Phase 1 findings, the USHEI advisory committee and more. Keep visiting the site in the days ahead to be part of the taking “the 43%” to 100% efficiency.

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