Denial Management Strategies to Increase Cash Flow and Maximize Reimbursements

Attend an HFMA Webinar to Learn More

Tracking and managing the overwhelming volume of claims, denials, and resubmissions throughout the entire revenue cycle can be a daunting challenge for healthcare providers. As the collection period for payer reimbursements has increased, the impact of denied and underpaid claims has further compounded this issue, straining workloads and jeopardizing critical cash flow and capital reserves.

As providers continue to navigate an economically challenging climate, streamlining the denial management process and, more importantly, preventing future revenue loss or delay is becoming increasingly critical. Determining root causes, patterns, and process breakdowns responsible for denials and establishing corrective steps can reduce the volume of denied claims and write-offs, ultimately increasing net revenue.

Register now to attend an HFMA Webinar September 30th 2:00 to 3:30 pm CDT to hear more about this topic! Henrietta Goodall Hospital will share best practices and recommendations for using proactive denial management strategies to shape internal policies and processes to maximize results.

Also, visit iTunes to download recent podcasts of past Emdeon webinars to discover more about top of mind industry topics and trends in healthcare!

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