Cool, calm & collections

New White Paper illuminates technologies to ease point-of-service

Are you or is your staff leaving money on the registration desk? If providers are not asking for payment at registration and integrating modes of receiving those payments, undoubtedly dollars are being abandoned at the point-of-service.

Today, with the growing popularity of Consumer-Directed Health Plans (CDHP), patients are consumers. They are immediately and fully involved in the compensation for their care and aware that payment can be required prior to services being rendered. The fact is consumer-patients who receive financial responsibility estimates and are provided options for making payments are highly likely to pay, at least in part, at the point-of-service. The onus lies with the provider to “give to get” meaning providers must give estimates and payment options to get proactive payment from patients.

Presently, a disconnect exists between the up and coming retail-like approach to healthcare payment and the day-to-day healthcare business processes. Many healthcare providers are not giving consumer-patients financial responsibility estimates and the ability to make proactive payments, thus they’re missing the opportunity to get paid up-front.

The real question is why does this disconnect exist? Is it that healthcare business processes are so steeped in functionality designed for a third-party payer system? Is it that frontline staff feel unsure of how or how much to collect from patients? Is it that providers are unable to invest in new technologies and frontline staff training to face the era of CDHPs? Is it that they are unaware of all the new technologies and options available to help eliminate the disconnect?

Get the latest news on this important topic from Emdeon’s recently released White Paper Patient Responsibility Estimation and Point-of-Service Payments available for download now on our website. This White Paper sheds light on new technologies that will assuredly ease the transition of your organization into the era financial responsibility estimates and CDHPs. You will also learn key alternatives for accelerating the revenue cycle while providing better patient communications and interactions.


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