by Todd Thomas, Director of Provider Product Management
“SHOW ME THE MONEY!” More than a decade later the phrase made famous in the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire”, can still be heard daily in healthcare business offices throughout America. It is the battle cry of the CFO. It is the “nails on the chalkboard” for the business office director. It is the challenge facing revenue cycle professionals everywhere. Where is the cash? Emdeon Claim Master has a new feature that just made the answer to that question a whole lot easier.
Emdeon Claim Master is a web-based billing management solution that can save time and money by providing one interface for managing claims for virtually all government and commercial payers from start to finish. Claim Master now has a new feature that enables unrivaled visibility into every stage of the claim life cycle. From the time a newly billed claim begins its journey to when the final payment is received and posted, Claim Master now has the capability to monitor every claim, every step of the way. This new feature not only illustrates the status of the entire claims inventory with dashboard-style charts and graphs, but it also reveals daily processing trends while shining a spotlight on potential processing issues. Providers can then select any data point on any chart to drill down to the payer, batch or even to the claim level.
Part of this new Claim Master capability includes configurable email alerts that instantly notify managers of potential issues that may delay processing, and ultimately payment of claims. Instead of searching through daily reports looking for “processing anomalies”, now Claim Master can send alerts via email to appropriate parties. Once alerted, providers can take advantage of the drill-down feature to get all the way down to the claim level, enabling them to identify and expose the root cause of any processing problem.
Emdeon Claim Master is also now able to monitor the claim life cycle in conjunction with existing end-to-end Revenue Cycle Management Solutions. If Emdeon Payment Manager is used for electronic remittance processing, Claim Master will now automatically monitor ERA processing, with charts and graphs that show payments trended by date and by payer. If Emdeon Denial Manager is used to identify and correct denials, Claim Master will also automatically monitor the count and amount of denials by date and by payer, with drill down capability to reveal denial reason, right down to the claim level.
With the new functionality recently added, Emdeon Claim Master now offers visibility into the claims life cycle illustrating the status of the entire claims inventory with dashboard-style charts and graphs. So, the next time you think “SHOW ME THE MONEY”, Emdeon Claim Master is the perfect solution for you- literally!
Todd Thomas is the director of provider product management at Emdeon. Have a question or interested in learning more about where the industry is headed with Claims Management? Email him at
For more information related to the new capability in Emdeon Claim Master, existing Emdeon Claim Master customers call 877.271.0054. For those interested in learning more about Emdeon Claim Master, call 877.EMDEON.6 (877.363.3666) or visit us online.