Industry experts honor Emdeon's automated patient eligibility and information verification solution
On June 23 it was announced that Emdeon Assistant, after intensive review, has earned the Peer Reviewed designation of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA). The HFMA Peer Review designation puts Emdeon Assistant in a short list of prestigious solutions that have been proven to be beneficial by industry expert volunteers and independent HFMA staff.
An automated solution
Emdeon Assistant automates key patient registration processes and delivers real-time eligibility and benefit verifications to save time while increasing revenue. Emdeon Assistant easily interfaces with most existing registration systems and channels efficient search requests to Emdeon contracted carriers with responses generally returned in seconds. By accessing a wide range of information from available payers and credit bureaus, Emdeon Assistant helps providers create a clear, non-discriminatory picture of a patient's ability to pay in an easy-to-read format.
Customers agree
Emdeon customer Carol Plato Nicosia of Martin Memorial Health Systems in Florida concurs with the HFMA Peer Reviewed findings. "Emdeon Assistant really helped us to automate our workflows and instantly retrieves critical patient registration information," Ms. Nicosia states. "Not only is this application easy to use, but it has also allowed us to become much more efficient within the patient registration process because it automatically populates our billing system with eligibility information."
Simplifying the Business of Healthcare
"We understand that consumer-directed healthcare and other trends in healthcare are putting pressures on the front end of the revenue cycle," said Philip Hardin, Executive Vice President of Emdeon Business Services. "We are working with the hospitals to provide them with the tools they need to identify insurance eligibility and benefits, the sources of funds and determine the patient's ability to pay self-pay balances prior to or at the point of care."
By simplifying patient registration and giving providers the ability to store, search and sort key points of information, Emdeon Assistant helps to reduce painful write-offs and the errors that can lead to them. Automatic verification of addresses and key demographic information helps providers maintain contact with patients after they leave the office.
To learn more about the HFMA Peer Review designation and what Emdeon Assistant can do for your healthcare business, call us today at 877.EMDEON.6 (877.363.3666), or visit us online.